Porcine Anti-Diuretic Hormone (Adh) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general instruction
Porcine Anti-Ovarian Antibody (Aoab) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general instruction
Porcine Anti-Endothelial Cell Antibody (Aeca) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Intrinsic Factor Antibody (Aifa) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody (Asma) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Ganglioside M1 Antibody (Anti-Gm1) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 1 (Anna1) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit
Porcine Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 2 (Anna2) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit
Porcine Anti-Double Stranded Dna (Anti-Dsdna) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Glycolipid Autoantibody (Aga) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general
Porcine Anti-Reticulin Antibody (Ara) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general instruction
Porcine Anti-Insulin Receptor Antibody (Aira) ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general